Pros and Comms podcast with Maaria Ginai

#1: Talking Journalism with Rob Bailey

As a journalist communication is your bread and butter. You need to be able to scrutinise and deliver new stories and information to the public in the most informative and eye-catching way. In this episode I’m joined by Rob Bailey, who is the Director of Education and lecturer at the Centre for Journalism at the University of Kent. He’s had a career in investigative journalism and now he’s passing on the insight and tools he’s learnt to the next generation of budding reporters. We talk about Rob’s motivations behind becoming a journalist, how the pandemic has impacted journalism and teaching journalism, how social media is changing the landscape of news, and his research into BBC Radio 5 Live.

Follow Rob on his blog and on Twitter.

The comms take-aways

Know your audience- the most important take-away! Think about who you’re trying to talk to. By finding the most engaging and fascinating thing from their perspective you can tell a story that will really last


Find people who speak to the same audience as you. There will be people out there, and by looking at the way they communicate you can use things that will make your message more engaging to that same audience

Things from the episode


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